Thanks to Blogger “Moschino” for finding this GREAT quote about research papers, I’m using it in today’s blog.  Today and tomorrow is the due date for the rough drafts of all my students’ research papers (6 pages of text + 1 page for title page + 1 page “Works Cited” page = 8 pages).  Yesterday I went to the American embassy with passport and prior permission to check out the resources they have there.  I will have a sign up sheet for those who need more journal articles for their FINAL research paper to go on Friday afternoon to the American embassy.  They are willing to take as many as 12-15 people.  (Seems I was dealing with those numbers at the Chinese restaurant the other day.)  8)  So, even if you have enough resources for your research paper, this is your chance to find out more about ProQuest and also Ebscohost.

“The research paper often looms like a mountain in the minds of students: a huge obstacle that can only be crossed with much agony and effort. But the research paper doesn’t need to be the Everest of your home schooling experience, and you certainly don’t have to die on its slopes. With proper preparation and a good basic understanding of paper development, you can conquer the research paper assignment and even enjoy yourself along the way.A research paper is an extended essay (eight to twenty-five pages, using three to ten outside sources) that summarizes information about a particular subject in order to prove a point.
Don’t think of the research paper as an “English” assignment. Depending on the topic you choose, the research paper is a science project, or a history project, or an art or literature project. The research paper isn’t a dreadful rite of passage demanded of all high school English students. Rather, it’s a tool for the student to use as he explores one of the content areas of the curriculum — something he’s interested in. It’s true that some of the skills needed to complete the research paper successfully are acquired in English study. But the paper itself should based on something the student is learning in another area of his curriculum: astronomy, the history of the Revolution, or Victorian novels.”

by Susan Wise Bauer