I thought we gave away grocery bags full of Haralson apples to my siblings last week when they were up for a visit!!! But there were still many more raining down.  Apples now “reign” in my kitchen, on the floor, close to the stove, waiting to be made into apple jelly and apple sauce (byproduct of extracting the juice). If I hadn’t gotten them off the ground right away, the birds peck holes into them.  Now after last night’s thunderstorm accessorized with tornado watches and hail the size of quarters, almost all apples are OFF the tree.  We also had magnificent lightening displays throughout the evening, God’s fireworks!  The following is a recipe I like to use for apple jelly and save on not buying boxes of SureJell.  The apples have enough pectin in them to make GREAT jelly.

4-3-2-1 Apple jelly

4 cups apple juice

3 cups sugar

2 T. lemon juice

1 t. butter (optional, so it doesn’t foam)

Mix all together and bring to boil.  Boil for a LONG time stirring all the while until the syrup rolls off the spoon in sheets.  Pour into jelly jars.