You are currently browsing the daily archive for February 5, 2007.

Chicago cold tempsHow do you do this? Why isn’t this working?  Where do I go to get help? What am I doing wrong?  I can anticipate all the WH-questions I will be getting in class tomorrow.  In order to answer these questions myself, I’ve been looking at the FAQs section  of and dutifully following the instructions.  Setting up one’s blog is all about reading and experimenting and yes making mistakes.  But how else will we learn? So, if I can stay one step ahead of my students, I will be grateful.  I know they will teach me some things soon enough!!!

Good to ask other questions in life as well for it is NOT always all about computers, class assignments, writing papers.  What we all have to think about is what is our purpose in life.  What is my passion and why does it take top priority in my life?  I’m not advocating always talking about what our thoughts are.  I believe there is an overabundance of self-reflection out there already.  But rather we should be all about reading great literature and then documenting where those very thoughts came from.  My experience as a writing teacher is that my best students are those who read broadly or have had different experiences from those of their classmates.  Then what they write about comes easily and creatively.  I tell my students that writing is not hard, it simply is expressing our thoughts down on paper.  In this case, on computer screen.

So, when launching into this new semester of study, we should set aside time each day to not only read something that is outside our discipline or our course work but something we want to learn about.  Right now I’m busy learning as much as possible about this blog site.