You are currently browsing the daily archive for February 12, 2007.

Dr Gray.  Dr Gray who?  Dr. Gray who is healing after his foot surgery.  He is convalescing in our “dacha” home and you are welcome to come visit us in the summer months.  BTW, are there Knock, Knock jokes in Ukraine? 

Anyway, no joke, the photo below is my home in northwestern Minnesota where my husband is trying to get better so he can join me in Ukraine soon.   This farmhouse was built by my paternal grandpa in 1915, over 90 years ago.  I grew up in this farmhouse with my five siblings and did not like it at the time.  I wanted to live in town and wished we had a more modern house.  Is it not true that we seem to never be satisfied with what we have?  But NOW I’m glad to live in this house in the summers.  That is our lifestyle at present, to teach in Kyiv during the winter and garden in the summer at our “Viking dacha.”  I DO miss my x-country skiing around the farm’s shelterbelts. summer 2006 in NW MN