You are currently browsing the daily archive for July 7, 2007.

At 7:07 a.m. this day of 7-7-07 I called my husband on our cell phone while I was walking on our gravel road.  Then I called my Mom to greet her on this auspicious occasion, this date won’t happen again-EVER!  Then I thought about Matt. 7:7 and the promise of A.S.K.  “ASK and it will be given to you, SEEK, and you will find, KNOCK and it will be opened to you.”  I remember while I was in kindergarten sitting on my little chair I prayed I would get to be as big as the 6th graders.  God answered that prayer many times over.  Early on, because of different sicknesses, I had a sense of perishing at the tender age of 5 years of age.  I almost did die when I was 17, a new graduate from high school driving south on our country road about 7:45 a.m. to start work in town at 8:00 a.m.  Driving about 50 mph on a hazy, overcast morning my neighborlady and I “met” at an intersection travelling about the same speed as my car. I babysat for her two children who were sitting in the back seat.  This was in the day before seat belts and carseats, so one child flew out the back window on impact, the other pressed up against the front seat.  After Phyllis was extracted from the steering wheel, she was in intensive care for about a month. I was in the hospital for a week, pretty banged up from the cumulative 100 mph jolt my body received.  At the time when I could have perished in twisted metal, I was rebelling against God and my parents.  My destiny for eternity was uncertain and bleak, but my parents, grandparents and other loved ones kept persevering in their faith that I would have a vibrant relationship with God.  They ASKed and I have received the blessing of living in Christ many years after I could have been “terminated.”

For Christians, 777 has an internal code of God’s completeness in our lives and in His prophecy for world events.  We do NOT know whether human civilization will last another 10 or 100 years or another millenium.  I tell my husband that Jesus is coming back soon so not to worry about the future.  I believe God will take care of us and for now ASK from Matt. 7:7 will suffice!