You are currently browsing the daily archive for July 8, 2007.

At 7:30 a.m. this day of 7-8-07 I called my husband on our cell phone while I was driving on our gravel road.  The very road that I had a car accident on, oh so many years ago.  What to my wondering eyes should appear in the distance about a football field ahead of me and just a mile short of Hwy. 2 but some baby fox?  I slowed way down to 30 mph and gave it closer inspection. I believe they were three, at least three puppies that were perhaps dumped in a culvert.  That is why I called my husband to check it out on his way to church this morning.  I’m leaving for points due west to a family reunion in Sheyenne, North Dakota with my folks this morning.  I already got my 2 mile walk in.  Starting out to be a lovely but hot day.  What will YOU be doing this fine Sunday, a day of the Sabbath? [found out the “puppies” I saw were really baby fox kits]