You are currently browsing the daily archive for July 29, 2007.

stained glass windowHow I LOVE stained glass windows in churches!!! This photo is from a Lutheran church in Sheyenne, North Dakota which I took about a month ago.  This more contemporary version displays nicely the rural themes so important to farmers of the Sheyenne area.  On the bottom left is the ubiquitous windmill and the left panel depicts night while the right shows a sun which helps produce the abundant crops.  Grapes, sunflowers, wheat and flowers show God’s bounty as well as seeing the visual of the two fish jump out of the lake on the bottom right.  On the left are the Christian symbols with the lamb next to a cross which is just below the finger of God doing His creative works.  A rainbow shows God’s promise that He would not let a great flood destroy the world’s inhabitants again no matter how evil while the dove signifies God’s Holy Spirit descending when Jesus was baptized.  Those are my interpretations of what I see, the artist who put this collage of symbols together may have entirely different ideas I haven’t thought of.  In any case, stained glass windows were originally created to draw in the viewer to experience how majestic and magnificent our great Creator really is.  Today I am ready for Sabbath in our own church at home despite the fact that we don’t have any stained glass windows to behold.