Samavor tilesSamavors are said to have been invented in Central Asia though Russia claims their origin.  Consequently, the samavor has become a Russian national symbol since they started to mass produce it.  I happen to believe the claim that the samavor originated in Central Asia since that is where I first encountered them when I lived in Almaty and Bishkek in 1993-95.  I used to own a beautiful silver one once that I found at a Kyiv flea market but alas I had to leave it behind.  I would have had trouble getting it past Ukraine ‘s customs because it was considered an antique and maybe came from the Tula factory best known for manufacturing them.  Fortunately, the 20 tiles pictured on our maple hardwood floor made it back home to the U.S. from Ukraine several years ago but we are having trouble figuring out where to put them.  The fact that all 20 made it back in our suitcase unbroken is a marvel in itself since they are quite heavy.  So, where is the rightful home for these tiles?  Where is home for me?  Some say it is where the heart is.  Thus, when we have company over and share a cup of coffee from a pot not as elaborate as a samavor we are in keeping with the Kazak or Kyrgyz nomadic tradition of firing up the samavor to savor the smell along with enjoying the friendship.  Presently, I feel like my heart is in 20 pieces, shifted from box to floor, vulnerable to get stepped on, missing my friends in Kyiv.